Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
500 Elementary Students Marks Day of Biological Diversity
AROUND 500s elementary school students gathered at the Natural Mayang, Saturday (22 / 5) yesterday morning. They are the students of SDN 005 Bukit Raya, ranging from second grade through sixth grade. That day they gathered to commemorate the World Biodiversity Day, which falls right that day, ie 22 May
"When we came to this place is clean. Home later this place should also be kept clean. Remember pledge one of our SMEs, Dispose of waste in place by type of each, "the voice of Dra Hj Umi Salmah, Head Elementary School 005 Bukit Raya loudly, when giving a speech in commemoration of the Biodiversity Day.
The event was attended also by the parents, the race is filled with activity. Among the race to match pictures of fruit and animals into English. For this special race, followed by second-grade students until fourth grade. They collided in the fast match these pictures.
Furthermore there are competitions hulahop. This race is followed by a special two-and three-grade students. With musical accompaniment from orgen deliberately imported to enliven acara.Selain there dangdut football competitions, whispered the message chain, puzzle, and enter the race marbles in the bottle.
In addition to various drama competitions there are also appearances from the sixth grade. Play, entitled "Ecosystem Equilibrium", was told about the felling of trees and hunting wild animals. The objectives of this drama than as entertainment as well as study materials the students that the felling of trees and poaching is an act of natural destruction.
After the contest and various games in this event there are also interesting presentations from four small physician. The presentation contains explanations about nutrition and various other health info. This little doctors consists of students who had participated in training doctors in small which was held Dancow Stanum, Bangkinang a few weeks ago.
SDN 005 Bukit Raya is a primary school that has some grace period to get Adiwiyata and is currently in phase Adiwiyata Mandiri. Adiwiyata is given a special award for schools that care about the environment. As evidence of this primary environmental concern in the school environment have the police. Police are watching hygiene students in the school environment. Invite other students to work to separate the organic and inorganic waste, and remind other students that for littering.
"To be a police environment was not easy. Must meet the requirements of which are outstanding, healthy, good personality and have concern for the environment, "explained doyo Mulyanto builder as environmental police.
"This year, environmental police amounted to 30 people consisting of students in fifth grade and sixth grade. Next year we plan to increase the amount, "continued the man who said Yanto familiar in this.
Cheerful faces of all these events appear to dominate. The parents of the students and teachers appear to warm in the kinship.
"By having events like this really motivates us to better care for animals and plants, which clearly show is really good," said Rishi Liardi Shasa Gegana students who participate in drama performances.
Similar opinions are also in the saying by Anisa, Syafitri, Zelin and several other students. From the beginning until the end of the show hosts are always communicating with students using the English language since elementary school is 005 Bukit Raya Based Schools International (SBI)
"So in addition to award winning elementary school Adiwiyata 005 is also an SD-based SBI," said Umi Salmah. (Asrul Rahmawati - GSJ of UMRI)
English Varsion By : Yusparizal (GSA 2010)
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